A Brief Welcome Message

You searched for the perfect recipe and landed on a great-looking blog.

You think you'll be cooking in no time, just gotta get and print that recipe.

So you scroll down.

And down...

And down...

And you think, where is the $%&!@ recipe I was looking for? 

The author talks about their kids, their pets, their significant other. They go into excruciating detail about how they developed the instructions/recipes/gardening tips, product comparisons, product reviews, or whatever it is you were looking for.

Or they gush nonsensically about how THIS THING RIGHT HERE changed their life.

It's enough to make any sane person rage-quit in frustration.

Well, rage-quit no more my friends.

You won't get all that fluff. You'll get the good stuff and that's it (along with the occasional snarky meme).

I promise.
